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Fun projects with language translation

Natural language processing is growing in importance. We often converse with automatic chatbots for customer service without even knowing. We also use online translation services or mobile apps. But how do these services work? Is there artificial intelligence (AI) in them? Three projects are offered to cater for student ...


Scratch Creative Computing Guide

There is also a series of units comprising learning activities, paired with assessment activities and templates that can be used to support use of the Scratch (MIT) platform. The Scratch Creative Computing Guide supports assessment activities with visual programming environments.


Design Thinking Process - Empathising

In this lesson students understand design thinking as a process for solving problems creatively. Students explore the design thinking process of empathising and seek to understand more about the users and the problem they are trying to solve. This particular lesson explores reducing litter through the design brief although ...


About me

Order images to show a sequence of personal events or milestones such as birth, first tooth, beginning to crawl.


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Networking with Micro:Bit

Learn how to code the micro:bit to use the radio! In this DT Mini Challenge, you can create wireless networks to send pictures and messages around the room! You'll start by sending simple messages, but work up to making your own interactive games with your friends! Dive on in and you'll be sending secret messages in no time!


PyGame in a Day

As a general purpose programming language, python has a number of libraries that can be used for different purposes. PyGame is a free and open source python library that makes it easier to make multimedia applications like games.


Networking with the micro:bit

This downloadable free book presents a series of activities to teach the basics of computer networks. While you may not learn all aspects of computer networking, these activities provide a useful selection and serve as a good starting point to cater for your student's needs, skill and knowledge. Each chapter presents interesting ...


DT Challenge - 7/8 Arduino - Sound

Let's make our own devices with the Arduino! We'll take a deep dive into building devices from the ground up, and you'll see how all pieces of technology are built! Learn how to create a temperature monitor, or a musical instrument, or make an automatic torch! Jump right in and let's make some noise!


DT Challenge - 3/4 Blockly - Wombot

Wombot is hungry and wants a carrot! With simple code, help Wombot through mazes, and learn to draw lines and shapes with code. In this challenge you'll learn the fundamentals of programming by using instructions to position Wombot on the screen. You'll help Wombot move and turn, and along the way learn to draw lines, patterns ...


DT Challenge - 7/8 Python - Sport Micro:Bit

Use Python to program a micro:bit for sport! Get excited about coding even if you have no experience. You'll use the Python language to write your own programs, and make interactive games and tools to improve your health.


DT Challenge - 3/4 Blockly - Micro:Bit Blast Off

Prepare for launch with the micro:bit! Set your sights on the stars by making a rocket ship, complete with countdown. You don't need a real micro:bit to participate. Use our full micro:bit simulator to learn, explore what the micro:bit can do! Blast-off in 3, 2, 1! If you have a micro:bit you can use our resources to build ...


DT Challenge - 5/6 Blockly - Intro to Micro:Bit

Learn how to program a BBC micro:bit using Blockly. No experience required. Learn the basics of programming in Blockly with our full BBC micro:bit simulator.


digIT Robotics workbook

This brief lesson provides an introduction to coding MakerBots (mBots) using a block language. It provides introductory information about the robot's sensors, motors and microcontroller so students can control the mBot.


Sphero young inventors

In this lesson students will explore the use of Sphero in the everyday world by adding accessories to invent solutions to workplace or other problems or simply by inventing an adaptation to the device. In each case, they are to build the accessory and create the code required for the device to serve a particular purpose. ...


Sphero: Catch me if you can

By years 5 and 6 many students may have had some experience with a visual programming language such as Scratch or Blockly that is the basis of the Hour of Code. Sphero will take the screen based control of an image to the next level by introducing a robotic device controlled by a visual programming language. This lesson ...


Sphero maze

This lesson will explore how to program the Sphero using functions and show the benefits of decomposing the behaviour of the Sphero into functions, instead of writing line by line repeated behaviours. This lesson idea was created by Claudia Szabo.


Sphero Invent a Game

This lesson will explore how to program the Sphero using functions and show the benefits of decomposing the behaviour of the Sphero into functions, instead of writing line by line repeated behaviours. This lesson idea was created by Celia Coffa.


Sphero and the chocolate factory

This activity allows students to use the visual programming software Lightning Lab to control Sphero to act out the role of a fictional character. This activity uses Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl as an example. This lesson idea was created by Steven Payne.


Programming LED circuit with Arduino IDE

In this lesson students will be using components of the LilyPad development kit to create a circuit of LED’s that are controlled using a basic Arduino program, written in the Arduino IDE. Starting with a simple sequence of turning a LED on and off, the students can be challenged to choose a piece of music with a steady ...


Ozobot Maze Challenge

Students are introduced to Ozoblockly and basic programming concepts. Using Ozoblockly, students program Ozobot to follow a path and travel through a maze that they have created. This lesson idea was created by Steven Payne.